Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet

Provides homelessness prevention, transitional housing, and senior services. Offices are closed 12:00PM-1:00PM for lunch.
Central Illinois
Bill Hassett , Interim Executive Director
Jennifer Wick, Division Director, of Aging & Disability Services
Leanne Gregoire, Director of Aging & Disability Services
Adult Protective Services & Hotline
Offers trained and caring professionals to help determine the services most needed to stop neglect and abuse; protect the person who has suffered abuse and/or neglect, and assist the individual in the healing process. Intervention for the abuser is also provided. In addition to abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation reports, Catholic Charities also take reports of self-neglect for individuals 60 and older and persons with disabilities (ages 18-59). Calls of concern about individuals who are not taking care of themselves or who are living in unsafe environments can also be made to Catholic Charities by calling 815-933-7791 OR to the 24-hour hotline: 866-800-1409.
Aging Information and Assistance
Providing information about the many services and benefits available to older adults. Client advocacy and intervention are also offered.
Care Coordination (Case Management)
Offers frail older adults and their families assistance as they assess the need for care and coordinate an overall plan of service to maximize the older persons independence in the home. Multiple domains of the older persons life are evaluated including: need for assistance with personal care, house-keeping, meal preparation, transportation, overall environment and emotional well-being. The primary goal of the assessment is to link the older adult with the services and benefits available to them that help maintain their independence and dignity.
Catholic Charities Counseling Services provides outpatient counseling for children through adults. Individual, group, family, and couples therapy are offered, in addition to specialized services such as depression, trauma, anxiety, anger management groups and preventative education programs. Traditional Medicaid MCO Plans: Aetna, BCBS, Humana, Illinicare, and Meridian. We also accept Private Insurance PPO Plans: Aetna, BCBS, Humana, and Cigna. If you have an insurance not listed please call 800-240-7011 to verify our current list insurance providers. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 815-723-0331.
Family Caregiver Services
Offers in-person, by phone or email assistance in identifying services and benefits available to your loved one or service to help the caregiver themselves. Services include funding for: respite care, gap-filling and legal support. Also available are caregiver counseling, monthly support groups and periodic educational workshops for caregivers. Monthly support groups meet the first Wednesday of every month from noon to 1:15. A light lunch is provided. Please call the Catholic Charities office for location.
Grandparents or Other Older Relatives Raising Children
Offers in-person, by phone or email assistance in identifying services and benefits available. Services include funding for: respite care, gap-filling and legal support. Also available are counseling and periodic educational workshops for older relatives raising the children of other family members.
Healthy Aging Programs
Evidence-based health programs offer proven ways to promote health and prevent disease. Many of the programs are social which is beneficial to overall mental health. Programs include Bingocize, A Matter of Balance, Chronic Disease Self Management. Other Educational and Health Promotion classes are available.
Home Delivered Meals
Catholic Charities provides intake and eligibility determination for this program. Eligible recipients must be senior adults homebound due to illness, injury or lack of accommodations for meal preparation.
Homeless Prevention Services
Provides short term financial assistance and supportive services to prevent homelessness and rehouse homeless individuals and families. Services are available on a limited basis.
Horizons Joint Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing Program
Provides temporary housing for homeless families with children. Families work toward goals including permanent housing. This program is designed to maximize a family's self-sufficiency.
Long-term Care Ombudsman Program
Provides advocacy and support for residents of long-term care facilities. Provides education about resident rights and related information to residents, community members, long-term care facility staff, and legislative representatives. Acts at the direction of the resident to resolve their concerns or complaints.
Medicaid Application Assistance
Medicaid application assistance is provided for older adults aged 60+ or individuals aged 18-59 who are disabled. If no other services with Catholic Charities are pursued, any follow-up needed after the application has been submitted would be the responsibility of the individual who applied.
Money Management Program
The Money Management Program is provided through the help of volunteers specially trained and screened assist senior adults with their basic money management needs. Seniors can gain assistance in developing an appropriate budget, sorting mail, bill paying, and balancing a checkbook. Two levels of services are provided: bill payer and representative payee. Volunteer activity and accounts are monitored on a regular basis and limited client fund insurance is provided by AARP.
Options Counseling
Offers assistance to individuals 60 and older and persons with disabilities aged 18-59, making long term support decisions regardless of an individuals income or financial assets. The process includes a personal interview, brief assessment and follow up.
Senior Companion Program
Offers adults, 55+, the opportunity to support and interact with their lonely and isolated peers. Senior Companions earn a modest tax-free stipend and generally volunteer 20 hours per week.
Telephone Reassurance
Provides brief telephone-based socialization to isolated older adults who may benefit from some personal contact throughout the week. Benefits include increased socialization, decreased isolation and the peace of mind that having someone familiar checking in can bring. Volunteer opportunities are also available.
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
08:30 AM - 04:30 PM
Last Updated: 01/27/2025 at 08:31 AM
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